CHAUSA’s Reflections
August 2011
Dear friends,
I hope this note finds you well.
I want to thank you again for the moments we
shared. We crossed each other in life because of
fate, destiny or coincidence? It is up to you.
Anyhow, you have instilled a new enthusiasm in
my heart: self-reflection.
I would like to present to you some pieces of my
thought as a souvenir.
Hiep Chau (
August 2011
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My pen name is Chausa.
What is Chausa? There are 3 meanings:
1. Chausa: Cinnabaris, Cinnabar, or red mercuric sulphide (HgS). Despite the toxicity of Mercury, cinnabar has historically been used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it is called Chau Sa (朱砂) and was highly valued in Chinese Alchemy where it was eponymous with the word dan (丹), which referred to alchemy, cinnabar and the elixir of immortality.
2. Chausa is precious tear, tear of repentance
3. CHAUSA is Creative, Healthy, Active, Useful, Simplified Aging. I love this meaning because I love ACRONYM.
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For people who are still in the workforce, positive attitude will be a must: you should be UP FOR IT! You should be ready UP AND RUNNING on work days.
I have 7 ups for you:
1st Up: Get up: promptly when you hear the alarm clock goes off. Don’t press the snoozing or off button while still in bed.
2nd Ups: (BCD)
Brace up: do some exercises with deep and slow respirations to summon one's strength or endurance.
Cheer up: because you are still breathing, still have a job to go to.
Dress up: trick your mind with healthy, assertive attitude.
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3rd Up: Speak up/shut up: your words can build people up or tear people down. You have the choice to speak up or shut up.
4th Ups: Catch up the new change & Keep up the good work.
5th Up: Look up for information, for advice, for providence.
6th Up: Ease up because the tension and stress can kill even the strongest man.
7th Up: Lock up your work before you go home. Your family is the oasis of happiness. Do not bring the burdens and stresses of work home with you.
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5 ANGER Management Tips: A-N-G-E-R-
(James 1:19)
A- AIR: Deep breathing.
nonviolent communication.
G- GO AWAY from these 4 men: Angry man,
Biased man, Crazy man, Drunken man.
E- EASE up your tension.
R- RATIONAL: have reason or understanding for
your friend. Everybody has good and bad times.
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The answers for WELLNESS: A-N-S-W-E-R-SA-
Air : fresh air, deep and slow respirations.
N- Nutrition: balanced diet.
S- Sunshine: soak in the sun 15’ a day.
W- Water: 6-8 cups of fresh water a day.
E- Exercise: 30 minutes a day.
R- Relax: learn how to relax, to ease up.
S- Sleep: 7-8 hours a day.
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Conversation: your children need to
H- Humor: make everybody in your family laugh.
Laughter is always the best medicine, much better
than the multivitamins.
I- Inheritance: your child is the gem from God.
Take good care of this gift.
L- Love: your children need to love and to be
loved. Love your spouse and show it. Say “I love
you” to everyone in your family often. You can
use sign language to express that phrase (bend
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your middle and ring fingers down, extend the
thumb, forefinger and little finger up).
D- Discipline: love without discipline will ruin
your child. Discipline without love will mar
R- Rehearse: the learning experience in childhood
should be the rehearsal period for their adulthood.
Let your children learn from “trial and error”.
E- Engrave: a child’s mind is like clean slate.
What they see, rather than hear, will be engraved
in their mind.
N- Nest: leave a good impression in your child’s
mind about the happy nest. Your nest should
always be open to your children (with
unconditional love).
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Lifestyle Modifications
7 Choices to reduce Metabolic Syndrome (lifestyle modifications): C-H-O-I-C-E-S-
C- Cholesterol: watch your cholesterol level. Check lipid panel at least once a year.
H- High blood pressure: your Blood Pressure needs to be in a normal range because hypertension is a silent killer.
O- Obesity: have plan to reduce your weight.
I- Insulin: Aging is known to be associated with increasing insulin resistance and declining glucose tolerance. You need to know your blood glucose level, and HA1C if necessary. Excercise and weight reduction improve the insulin sensitivity.
C- Cigarette: stop smoking.
E- Exercise gives multiple benefits.
S- Stress reduction.
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10 signs of D-E-P-R-E-S-S-I-O-N-
D- Depressed mood.
E- Energy loss.
P- Purpose loss (or Purposeless-ness).
R- Rumination.
E- Eating changes.
S- Sleep changes.
S- Suicidal thoughts.
I- Interest loss.
O- Obtuseness.
N- No VHS (Value, Hope, Security).
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F- Force (strength)
A- Action
I- Insight
T- Target
H- Hope
FAITH fights against:
F- Fear
A- Anxiety
I- Inertia
T- Thomas’ syndrome (doubt)
H- Hesitancy
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FORGIVENESS: 7 Things to ponder
F- Free yourself from the prison of hate. Corrie Ten Boom said: “Forgiveness is to set a prisoner free, and to realize the prisoner was you.”
O- Open the door to God’s blessings.
R- Rebound effect (boomerang effect): forgive someone to receive forgiveness from God.
G- Goodness (forgiveness is great gift to yourself: good health, good mind).
I- In peace. Forgiveness will bring peace to your heart and soul.
V- Victory. Forgiveness is self-control, the greatest victory in life.
E- To Err is human, to forgive divine: Forgiveness is not an easy issue for humans. Phillipians 4:13 give us strength.
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Happy Family
11 Tips: H-A-P-P-Y-F-A-M-I-L-Y-
H – Humor.
A - Accept the difference between spouses.
P – Praise.
P – Pray.
Y - Yield: remember the Yield sign in traffic.
F- Forgive.
A - Apologize.
M - Make peace (not war); make love (not hate).
I - Ignite the flame of love: rekindle the flame.
L - Learn to love, laugh, live.
Y - Yoke: share each other’s burden.
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6 tips for smoking stopping: S-M-O-K-E-S-
Smoking causes 3D:
Disease, Disability and Death.
S- Start right now.
M- Medicine if needed. Ask your doctor about Chantix, Welbutrin, Nicotine patches.
O- Openness. Let someone know that you plan to improve your health. Ask them to support you.
K- Kick off cigarettes, ashtray, lighter….
E- Enjoy your breath, your meal after you quit smoking.
S- Save your money and your… lungs.
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8 Tips to De-stress: D-E-S-T-R-E-S-SD-
Discover what your strengths are.
E- Enjoy the NOW.
S- Smile.
T- Talk to yourself a pep talk.
R- respiration (deep, slow).
E- Exercises.
S- Share your difficulties with your best friends.
S- Stressors need to be identified in order to avoid
or reduce.
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9 Tips to Longevity (L-O-N-G-E-V-I-T-Y-)
L: Leanness.
O: Oxygen: deep breathing.
N: No to drugs.
G: Gaiety.
E: Exercises.
V: Vegetables+ in your diet.
I: Incite your brain cells.
T: Tolerance.
Y: Yin/Yang balance. Oriental Medicine believes illness caused by imbalance of diet, behavior, and life viewpoint. Not enough (Yin) or Too Much (Yang), both can hurt. We need to balance our life in every aspect.
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7 Facts of Restless Leg Syndrome
(RLS): R-O-A-M-I-N-GR-
Rest, relaxation worsens.
O- Odd sensation (neurological disorder).
A- Activities will help.
M- Move (urge to move).
I- Iron deficiency may be the cause.
N- Night time: worse -- sleep disorder.
G- Glucose. Hypoglycemia has also been found
to worsen RLS symptoms.
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10 blessings of P-R-O-V-I-D-E-N-C-E-
P- Protection, providing
R- Remedy
O- Orientation, Open Opportunities
V- Vision
I- Inheritence, Insight
D- Divine Directions
E- Energy
N- Nurture
C- Care
E- Equip
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5 languages of Love: T5
Read “The 5 love languages” by Gary Chapman:
5 Teachings of Holy Scriptures: W-O-R-D-S-
S- SWORD (Hebrews 4:12)
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10 Things to ponder about Retirement (R-E-T-I-R-E-M-E-N-T-)
R- Redirect from occupations to hobbies.
E- Enjoy every moment of your life.
T- Treasure your relationships (not your possessions).
I- Improve your life.
R- Re-evaluate: what is the top priority of my life? Right now, 5 F in the following order: Faith, Family, Friends, Fun, Finances. E- Enthusiasm: “Like what you do. If you don't like it, do something else” (Paul Harvey 1918-2009). M- Mending the cracks in the soul! Many times the pain from our past leaves us with such deep cracks in our souls that they can prevent us from moving into our future. Dale M. Sides wrote a book “Mending The Cracks in the Soul” showing
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how the Holy Spirit can help if we cannot do it
E- Exercise
N- Nutrition
T- Tolerance: By definition, tolerance is a fair,
objective, and permissive attitude toward those
whose opinions, practices, race, religion,
nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom
from bigotry.
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(Message sent to friends of NEFSH in June 2011 before my retirement.)
My dear friends,
As it is written in Ecclesiastes 3: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
Thus it is for me, I must also have “a time to work and a time to retire.”
I chose this time to retire because of these 4 A's:
1. Age: I finally got my head together, now my body is falling apart.
2. Afford: The kids can send me on vacations.
3. Adventure: There’s a great big world out there to see and I’d like to be able to do it before I can’t remember how to get back home!
4. Awesome: I can sleep in until 8 am now.
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And the fifth A with mixed feeling is ADIEU. (ADIOS to my Spanish speaking friends)
I would like to express appreciation for your friendship and your support during my 17 years working with NEFSH.
I am going to miss you all.
May God bless you all.
Hiep Chau
*So long Dr. Chau, you will really be missed but never forgotten! G.A.
*I never knew you were so poetic!!! I send you many wishes for your happiness in your retired life and that you get to do the things you haven't been able to do yet. The best to you, G.C.
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*I am especially going to miss you. You ALWAYS completed your paperwork for discharges quickly and comprehensively. I never had to look for it because you always called me when it was ready. You are the only doctor that I knew I could always count on! You are awesome! You are such a caring physician. I know your patients have appreciated and benefited the great care that you have provided them for all these years. Your kindness and positive attitude has been a true blessing to everyone at this facility. I wish you the very best. Enjoy your retirement. You deserve it! A.D.
*The Social Service Department appreciates all the good work you have contributed while service individuals at NEFSH. God bless. B.N.
*You will be missed! Enjoy your retirement. I must admit, I am a little envious... C.H.
*I think you know how much I think of you. I will miss you very much. Is your son going to continue to work in the pharmacy? Please stay in-touch. C.A.
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*I hope to get to see you before you leave for retirement, but in case I don't, I wanted to express my sincere appreciation to you for your many years of dedicated service to this hospital, to the people we serve and staff. You have been a bright spot for NEFSH through your devotion to your work, your good work ethic, and your have been good role model for others to follow. May God's blessings continue to shine upon you. Thanks for a job well done. I wish you all the best in your retirement. C.S.
*We will certainly miss you and I am sure there will be many days where someone will say that I wish Dr. Chau was still here. It has been a real pleasure working with you. May God be with you and watch over you and your family and give you peace and happiness and much enjoyment during your retirement. I hope you know that if any of us can help you in any way when you are no longer here, all you have to do is call. Also, please take time once in a while to drop by and visit with us and bring us up to date. With much admiration and appreciation forever. G.D.
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*Thanks Dr Chau. I certainly enjoyed the brief period we've worked together. Thanks again and enjoy your retirement. G.N.
*It was an honor to work with you. and I will miss you. God bless. H.L.
*It has been my pleasure to work with you over the years on the various living areas. I hope that you are able to enjoy retirement to the fullest. Best of luck in your new adventure. You will be missed! J.Y.
*I love your 4 A's....thank you!! Good luck and enjoy! Thank you, K.B.
*I'm going to miss you a lot. I'm not much c words so I will just wish you the best of luck. Go c peace, health and happiness! J.J.
*Thanks for everything you do:0). Enjoy your retirement you deserve it!!! J.L.
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*I hope when I go, I leave with such grace and good humor. We will miss you. T.D.
*Likewise Dr. Chau. You have been a pleasure to work with. J.N.
*I love your farewell and I hope you find health and peace with your Retirement. My sincere "Best Wishes" to you! Regards, J.I.
*God Bless you on your next chapter in life .....May you have a long and happy retirement. L.S.
*It has been a pleasure working with you in all of the roles I have filled here at NEFSH. You are a valued member of the NEFSH family, and will be missed! Good luck in all your future endeavors! M.O.
*Congratulations on your retirement! ............You will be sorely missed and I wish you a long, happy and healthy retirement. Best Wishes, N.D.
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*I am sorry to see you leaving; however, I am proud you are retiring to do the things you would like. It has been a pleasure working with you and I wish you the best in all your future endeavors. P.L.
*We will miss you very much. I hope that you will be able to accomplish all your goals you listed and they certainly made me smile! R.M.
*It has been an honor to know you and work with you here. I am very happy for you. I hope that someday in the future,I have the same opportunity. But in my estimation I will be around 80 when my school loans and house is paid off. (LOL) so I forsee a long period of employment ahead for me. Good Luck and May God bless you in all you do. R.H.
*I will miss passing you in the hall and your sweet smile. Have a blessed and wonderful retirement. R.W.
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*Very well spoken. Good Luck Dr. Chau, and I wish you lots of leisure and fun!!! S.G.
*Here's a couple more "A's" for you: Always - Will miss your "Always smiling face", All God's Blessings - for you and your family. Hope you have a wonderful time traveling! S.P.
*It has been a pleasure working with you. Best of Luck to you in your retirement. Enjoy your travels. S.R.
*It has been such a pleasure working with you for all these years. I will always have such fond memories of the days when we all worked together… We were like a family. You have always been a very sweet man and always respectful to me. I will miss you but I do want you to have a wonderful retirement. You deserve all that God has in store for you in your retirement. Be happy and be safe. I will miss you. S.C.
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*You are a very caring and thoughtful health provider and sweet person. I have no doubt in my heart that you are an instrument of God and a blessing to many of us that have had the pleasure to work with you. He aquí, yo estoy contigo, y te guardaré por dondequiera que fueres, y volveré a traerte a esta tierra; porque no te dejaré hasta que haya hecho lo que te he dicho. Genesis 28:15 VRV (I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.) Genesis 28:15 KJB. So in other words God is with you, and he will take care of you wherever you go. And because He is faithful and true, he won't leave you without accomplishing His promise to you. God bless you and take care of you always. - Gracias por sus palabras bonitas. En mi retiro, voy a tener más tiempo para estudiar español. Fue muy agradable trabajar con usted en el pasado. Usted es trabajadora muy dedicada. Adios (HC). - Muchas gracias, que le vaya muy bien y disfrute de la vida que es un regalo maravillos de Dios. Wally
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*It 's a very nice writing. You do have enough good reasons to retire. I can reserve ward 10 for you if some day you missed your patients and wanted to come back! T.N.
*Hope you will have a good retirement like you said in the last email. Good luck on everything! T.P.
*Dr. Chau, although I haven't worked with you much, I really appreciate the days you covered for my unit doctor. You've always made it a habit to call me every morning to let me know that you're covering for Dr. T. and for that I'm grateful. Thank you for always being so professional and approachable during your coverage on my unit 17. I hope you enjoy your retirement, because you deserve it. You will truly be missed by your co-workers and your patients. J.F.
*It has been a pleasure working with you. I hope that god blesses you and your family in all future endeavors. Thank You C.T.
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*You are a gracious gentleman; I love that you chose to incorporate a scripture as part of your "so long" message. What a testament to your faith and your God. I will miss passing you in the hallway and seeing your smiling, friendly face. It has been a pleasure knowing you. I am sad to see you go but wish you all the best. Good luck as you open your next life's chapter. Seasons come and seasons go but God never changes. He is always good, and this I know, He will continue to care for and be gracious to you and your family. J.E.
*Hope you enjoy your retirement. When you work as long as you have, you definitely deserve time to do something for pleasure and enjoyment as well as sleeping without an alarm clock close by . I have enjoyed working with you during my 3 years here at NEFSH. Praying for health and happiness for you. Take care of yourself. C.C.
*This was very nice message! I wish you well in your retirement. L.W.
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*I will truly miss your great smile, great sense of
humor and charming personality. We have truly
had a great team for the past 7 years, I will truly
miss this time together. I know the individuals we
serve will also miss you. Nevertheless, go explore
the world, have lots of fun and make great
memories. Has my great uncle use to say, "Have
lots of fun and make as many good memories as
possible, because in the end, that's all we have to
look forward too is our memories."
*Please know that you have had a profound impact
on my life. I appreciate your support and
encouragement throughout the years. You are one
whom I will always remember with thoughts of
gratitude. Best wishes in your retirement.
*God bless and enjoy,
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So long again!
My dear friends,
So long again! As close friends bid farewell, it takes several “goodbyes” before they eventually separate. This will be the last one because I have no access to NEFSH computer after 4:30 on June 24th.
After I posted my SO LONG! email, many friends (old and new) responded. Your replies warmed my heart and uplifted my spirits. I am discovering that retirement will give me time to enjoy friendships. Today, I’d like to share with you 12 R’s I will follow in retirement:
1. Rest.
2. Relax.
3. Rejoy the fruit of my labor.
4. Reflect my life.
5. Redirect from my occupation to my hobbies.
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6. Read and wRite.
7. Repair the broken relationship.
8. Rebuild my body (by exercises and diet, not by cosmetic surgery).
9. Recharge my energy.
10. Refesh my mind.
11. Renew my heart.
12. Revive my spirit.
I also have a story to share. It is just for fun, I hope nobody feels offended.
- In my circle of friends, we often talk about the brevity and fragility of the life mentioned in Psalms 39 and 90. One day, a man challenged everybody to complete the sentence: Life is too short to… At that time I thought about retirement and completed it as …work too long. (The whole sentence was: LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORK TOO LONG.)
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For fun, I am asking each of you, by your own words, to finish this sentence: Life is too short to…..
Please send by July 31, 2011 … I will send a small gift to 20 people who have the most interesting reply. HC
*Though I don't know you, I like your spirit and am envious of your retirement. Hopefully, by the Grace Of God I will be able to retire in 3 years. With that said, my response to your challenge is: Life is too short... to mope! Enjoy your retirement. P.K.
*May the good Lord God be with you in your retirement. My prayer is that He will guide your steps and still continue to use you for services to other human beings even in retirement. I want to believe that you are merely retired but not tired. If this is so then keep on serving God in a new capacity as He will lead. My completion of that statement is: "Life is too short to forget to serve God by serving others." May that good Lord
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guide your foot path even in your retirement years. Amen. Retirement is good. But..........The best is yet to come. Amen. May the Lord bless you and keep you from falling. May He give you His Peace and a Healthy Long Life. Amen. Adios. M.O.
*Life is too short to be worrying about what you should have done. Life is too short to worry about yesterday. Life is too short to waist it. Sent to you with loving care. C.J-N.
*I am a born again preacher of the Gospel of Jesus. I recently re read the prayer of Jabez in 1Chronicles. I am now led to use the follow to complete your insightful challenge: Life is too short to miss the opportunity to do something so great that to succeed can only happen because Jesus rescued me. The author of the book Prayer of Jabez said something very similar to this which inspired my message to you. Retirement is just the beginning of big plans for Him. Godspeed to you always! E.U.
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*Wishing you all the best on your retirement! It was so great working with you over the years. Enjoy yourself you definately deserve it!!! Life is too short to be anything but happy!! J.M.
*Life is too short to ponder on the regrets of what you could have done. Today is the first day of the rest of your life!!!!! JUST LIVE. I am really going to miss you. I hope you enjoy your retirement. May God bless you in all that you do. I know you're going to miss getting up early 5 days a week and fighting that morning traffic.. LOL. Now you can read those books that you've been meaning to read and just haven't had the time. RELAX AND ENJOY. Much happiness. R. E.
*Life is too short to...Always look straight ahead instead of taking the time to look what is around you. L.R.
*Life is too short to sweat the small stuff. I hope your first day of retirement is relaxing. Enjoy. K.M.
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*Life is too short to....have regrets, they are lessons learned. Enjoy your retirement to the fullest. A.B.
*(Life is too short) to worry about the small stuff P.S.
*Certainly it was a pleasure working with you. I would to say your quotes was very inspiring to me. I'm going to give the Life too short a shot.. LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE STRESS ABOUT WORK or LIFE IS TOO SHORT SO LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER. A.O.
*After a serious few seconds of thinking I decided to finish the sentence with this thought: Life is too short to be angry for so long! ;OP I hope that everyone who gets angry often can remember this and let go of anger and forgive. I think I am jealous that you are getting to retire. I think I would like to do that at this moment so I can enjoy what my body is still able to accomplish! Have a good time. R.M.
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*I have enjoyed working with you Dr. Chau. I pray God's blessings on you and your family. Enjoy yourself and take care. My answer to your question......Life is too short to live without Christ!!!!! I also thought of another one........Life is too short to settle for less than what you deserve. God bless!!!!! R.R.
*First, I would like to say Congratulations on your retirement. I can't wait until I get to that point. We have not had the opportunity to work together often but I always hear a lot about you. Anyway, with regards to your challenge, my sentence will state.... LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO WORRY ABOUT THE THINGS THAT YOU CANNOT CHANGE BUT KNOW THAT WHAT GOD HAS FOR YOU IS FOR YOU AND NOBODY CAN TAKE THAT FROM YOU. T.L.
*Life is too short to...pass by without a smile. M.D.
*Wonderful words of wisdom coming from your father! D.B.
*Hope you are enjoying your time! My husband said Life is too short to worry! I say life is too short to not live for eternity. GOD BLESS YOU AND YOURS J.J.
*Life is too dwell on the past and not be able to excel in the present. K.R.
*I have missed seeing your smiling face on Cypress. I am glad you are on your way to a second stage in life, but being selfish I miss you. I loved the two chapters in Psalm you cited. I try every morning to read a chapter from that book before I start my day. I love to laugh, it is internal jogging for the soul. That is one thing I enjoyed about you. Always smiling. So I thought of a book in James 1: 2-18 which speaks on joy and perseverance. I believe we need both in this life. For me Life is too take seriously. Left corn crack.... I enjoyed you as a mentor. R.O.
*Life is too short not to get your house (temple) in order. Alene
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*Life is too short to live one day without JESUS in your heart! P.R.
*Life is too short to wait for tomorrow. Do it today! Do it now! Give thanks! G.L.
*Life is too short to miss any opportunity to share it with someone you love. Listen to the birds, watch a sunrise or sunset, gaze at the full moon, dance in the rain, smile at strangers, kiss babies, hold the hand of an elderly person, share what you can when you can with someone in need, and thank God everyday for your many blessings. A.H.
*Life is too short to be ruled by the Kronos timeclock! P.J.
*Life is too short… to sweat the small things, pick your battles. C.T.
*Life is too short not to love. C.H.
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*I have given this a lot of thought and went
through many different ideas before completing
your sentence. So I believe that life is to short to
worry about the money, because wealth is not a
matter of intelligence but a matter of inspiration. I
hope you find plenty of inspiration during your
retirement. We miss you here at NEFSH and pray
you had a relaxing vacation and enjoy your
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3 Meanings of CHAUSA p. 2
Seven Ups p. 3
Anger p. 5
Wellness p. 6
Children p. 7
Lifestyle Modifications p. 9
Depression p. 10
Faith p. 11
Forgiveness p. 12
Happy Family p. 13
Smoking Stopping p. 14
De-stress p. 15
Longevity p. 16
Restless Leg Syndrome p. 17
Providence p. 18
5 Languages of Love p. 19
Words p. 19
Retirement p. 20
So Long p. 22
So Long Again p. 34
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